アヤカとGirlsAwardのオープニングを務めさせていただきました!ANNA SUIさんの素敵な服も着させて頂きました👗
GirlsAward에서 오프닝을 맡게 되어서 정말 영광이었습니다💙💙 아야카언니와 재밌게 런웨이를 걷고 모델이 된 기분이 너무 좋았어요😉
ANNA SUI 옷도 너무 이뻤고 입었을 때 chic한 사람이 된 느낌이 나서 즐거웠어용~👗
It was a huge honor to open the show for GirlsAward with ANNA SUI💙💙
Me and AYAKA were really nervous but the crowd was amazing and the clothes made us feel very confident😉
Thx to the members for cheering us on till the very last minute😊
#niziu #nina #🐶 #GirlsAward #ANNASUI